Your Name Here

CSS Info

In order to successfully edit your template, it is important to understand that the template consists of only 4 main areas - a header, sidebar, content, and footer.

It sometimes helps to think of a css file as a type of dictionary. You define the terms such as body, paragraph, headings, links, etc. so that your browser will know how to interpret them on the screen.

The Header: The header area contains the main image as a cell background set in the .header class. The "Your Name Here" is also placed in this area.

The Sidebar: The sidebar area is a table cell which uses the .sidebar class. The main navigation uses a styled definition list.

.The Main Text Area: Most of your page editing will concern the main content area (.content class) which sits to the right of the sidebar. If you place a large image or other item that exceeds this area's width, the content area will no longer fit and expand automatically. To prevent problems, keep in mind the total width of any elements you add to your page.

The Footer: The footer (.footer class) sits at the bottom of the page. It is designed to leave enough room to include your site name and copyright date. We do not recommend that you add more lines to this area.

The CSS File:

The stylesheet included with this template is well commented and items are appropriately named to help you know which class or style is used in special areas.